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Check Training: Applications Open.
It is available the Specific Regulation of the measure Check-Training. Applications running on open system and can be submitted from October 6th through the portal Netemprego - www.netemprego.gov.pt, requiring a prior registration holder of the application. The Cheque-Training was created by Portaria n.º 229/2015, to August 3, falling to the IEFP the implementation and monitoring of the measure.

What is the purpose of the measure Check-Training?
Enhance the skills and employability of active employees and the unemployed by attending training courses adjusted to the needs of companies and the labor market.

Who can be a beneficiary?
- Active employees aged 16 and over, regardless of their level of qualification, whose applications may be submitted personally or by the respective employers;
- Unemployed registered in IEFP, I. P. to at least 90 consecutive days, aged 16 and over, holders of level 3-6 qualifications. The training support must match the set in Personal Qualification Plan (PPQ), obtained following a process of recognition, validation and certification of professional competences (RVCC).

What is the duration of the training and financial support?
Active employees
The support to be awarded per employee, consider:
- The maximum duration of 50 hours of training over two years;
- A value/time of €4, a maximum amount of up to €175, and the support to be awarded may not exceed 90% of the total value of the training, demonstrably paid.
- The unemployed who attend training courses lasting 150 hours to a maximum of training, over two years, are entitled to a matching financial support to the total value of the training action, demonstrably paid, up to a maximum of €500.

Currently Audicambra has already developed several applications for companies as Check-Training.